Name of Post: Your Administrative Skills can streamline our Success| TCS Admin Off Campus Hiring 2023| tcs job vacancies

Short Details: TCS has released the notification for Management Group Hiring to TCS Admin Off Campus Hiring 2023. TCS admin off campus Hiring for commerce and Management graduate of 2022 an 2023 Batch are Eligible. for the other information as Responsibilities, Eligibility Criteria, Test Pattern, Role and Application Process.
TCS (TATA COMSULTANCY SERVICES) TCS Admin Off Campus Hiring 2023 Your Administrative Skills can streamline our Success WWW.LEARNDPOINT.COM |
- Registration Last Date: 29 June 2023
- Test Date: 15 July 2023
- Facility management, cafeteria management.
- Vendor Management, Hospitality, annual Maintenance contract management.
- Finance and Budget Management.
- Dealing with statutory bodies and ocmpliance management.
Expected Deliverables
- Passion to pursur administrative profession with eagerness to learn, adapt, innovate, and move up in the value chain.
- Ability to look for solution for day to day operational requirements proactively adn independently.
- Willingness to learn continuously to stay updated and relevent to end customer delight.
Eligibility Criteria
-, BBA,BMS graduates from year of passing 2022 & 2023.
- Percentage: Consistent academic record of 60% or Above in Class X, XII and Graduation.
- Highest Qualification: Candidates should have completed the course in the stipulated course duration.
- Gap/Break in Education: It is mandatory to declare gaps in education if any. Overall academic gap should not exceed 24 Months until highest Qualification.
- Backlogs: No pending backlogs would be allowed at the time of selection.
- Age Limit: Minimum age should be 18 years and maximum age should be 26 Years.
- Course Types: Only full- time course will be considered. Candidates who have completed their Secondary and Senior Secondary Course from NIOS are also eligible to apply if the other courses are full- time.
- Work Experience: Candidates with prior work experience of up to 2 years are eligible to apply for the hiring process.
Application Process for TCS Admin Off Campus Hiring
- Step 1: Visited to the TCS NeXT Step Portal
- Step 2: Register and Apply for the Drive.
- Scenario A. If you are a registered user under TCS Next Step Portal IT Category, Kindly login with your TCS Reference ID and proceed to complete the Application form. Upon submission, click on Apply for Drive.
- Scenario B. If you are a registered user under TCS Next Step Portal IT Category, Kindly login with your TCS Reference ID and submit your application form and click on Apply for Drive.
- Select your mode of test (in- center), choose your preferred test center, and then click on Apply.
- To confirm your status, check Track Your Application. The status should reflect as Applied for Drive.
Test Pattern
Test Pattern: The duration of the Assessment is 65 minutes and is split under 3 sections for TCS Admin Off Campus Hiring 2023.
- Verval Ability
- Quantitative Aptitude
- Logical Reasoning Ability
Apply Online | Click Here |
Preparation Material | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |